Java Full Stack (HARD)
(6 Lakh to 15 Lakh)
10 days
40 days – 50 days
Java 8+ Features
5 days – 10 days
10 days – 15 days
10 days – 15 days
Spring Boot
20 days – 25 days
Microservices with Spring cloud
5 days – 10 days
AWS/Heroku cloud
10 days
Tools: GIT, GIT Hub
5 Days
Resume Build, Mock Interviews
5 days
120 Days to 150 Days
10 days
40 days – 50 days
Java 8+ Features
5 days – 10 days
10 days – 15 days
10 days – 15 days
Spring Boot
20 days – 25 days
Microservices with Spring cloud
5 days – 10 days
AWS/Heroku cloud
10 days
Tools: GIT, GIT Hub
5 Days
Resume Build, Mock Interviews
5 days
Total – 120 to 150 Days
Java Programming Comprehensive Syllabus
Module 1: Introduction to Java
- What is Java?
- Overview of Java
- Definition and purpose
- History and evolution of Java
- Java’s Platform Independence
- Write Once, Run Anywhere (WORA) principle
- Bytecode and JVM
- Java Editions
- Java SE, Java EE, Java ME
- Java Features
- Object-Oriented
- Encapsulation, Inheritance, Polymorphism, Abstraction
- Platform-Independent
- JVM architecture
- Simple and Secure
- Simplified syntax compared to C/C++
- Security features in Java
- Robust and Multithreaded
- Strong memory management
- Built-in support for multithreading
- High Performance
- Just-In-Time (JIT) Compiler
- Distributed Computing
- Networking capabilities
- Comparison: C vs C++ vs Java
- Key Differences and Similarities
- Memory management
- Object-oriented features
- Platform dependency
- Use Cases for Each Language
- System programming, application development, enterprise solutions
Module 2: Java Development Environment
- Understanding JDK (Java Development Kit)
- Tools included: compiler, debugger, etc.
- JRE (Java Runtime Environment) Explained
- Components and role
- JVM (Java Virtual Machine) and Its Role
- JVM architecture
- Bytecode execution
- Setting Up the Development Environment
- Installing Java
- Downloading and installing JDK
- Integrated Development Environments (IDEs)
- Introduction to Eclipse, IntelliJ IDEA, NetBeans
- Configuring IDEs
- Setting up JDK in IDE
- Basic IDE navigation and usage
Module 3: Core Java Concepts
- Classes and Objects
- Defining Classes
- Class structure: fields, methods, constructors
- Creating Objects
- Instantiation using new keyword
- Object Lifecycle
- Creation, usage, garbage collection
- Variables Declaration & Types
- Primitive Data Types
- byte, short, int, long, float, double, char, boolean
- Reference Data Types
- Objects, arrays
- Variable Scope and Lifetime
- Local, instance, static variables
- Methods Definition & Types
- Method Declaration
- Syntax, return types, parameters
- Parameter Passing
- Pass-by-value concept
- Return Types
- Primitive and reference types
- Method Overloading and Overriding
- Compile-time vs runtime polymorphism
- Packages
- Creating and Using Packages
- Package declaration and directory structure
- Access Control with Packages
- Importing packages
- Default and public access
- Access Specifiers
- Public, Private, Protected, Default
- Access levels and their implications
- Best Practices for Access Control
- Reserved Keywords
- Common Keywords: class, static, new
- Usage and restrictions
- Special Keywords
- this Keyword
- Reference to the current object
- super Keyword
- Accessing superclass members
- final Keyword
- Final variables, methods, and classes
- volatile Keyword
- Variable visibility in multithreading
- transient Keyword
- Serialization and transient variables
Module 4: Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) Concepts
- Inheritance
- Types of Inheritance
- Single, Multilevel, Hierarchical, Hybrid
- Superclass and Subclass
- Extending classes
- super Keyword Usage
- Accessing superclass methods and constructors
- Polymorphism
- Compile-Time Polymorphism
- Method overloading
- Runtime Polymorphism
- Method overriding
- Dynamic method dispatch
- Encapsulation
- Data Hiding and Access Control
- Private fields with public getters and setters
- Benefits of Encapsulation
- Maintainability, flexibility, security
- Data Abstraction
- Abstract Classes and Interfaces
- Defining abstract methods
- Implementing interfaces
- Differences Between Abstract Classes and Interfaces
Module 5: Control Flow in Java
- Conditional Statements
- if-else Statements
- Syntax and usage
- Nested if-else
- switch Statements
- Syntax and use cases
- Enhanced switch (Java 14+)
- Ternary Operator
- Syntax and practical examples
- Looping Statements
- for Loops
- Traditional for loop
- Enhanced for loop (for-each)
- while Loops
- Syntax and usage
- do-while Loops
- Syntax and differences from while loops
- Break and Continue Statements
- Exiting loops, skipping iterations
- Nested Loops
- Implementing multiple levels of iteration
- Best Practices for Loops and Conditionals
- Efficiency, readability, avoiding common pitfalls
Module 6: Advanced Java Concepts
- Object Class & Methods
- The Object Class
- Root of the class hierarchy
- Common Object Methods
- toString(), equals(), hashCode(), clone(), finalize()
- String Handling
- String Class and Methods
- Immutable nature, common methods
- StringBuilder and StringBuffer
- Mutable alternatives, thread safety
- Exception Handling
- Try-Catch Blocks
- Syntax and handling multiple exceptions
- Throw and Throws
- Propagating exceptions
- Custom Exceptions
- Creating user-defined exceptions
- File Handling
- Reading and Writing Files
- FileReader, FileWriter, BufferedReader, BufferedWriter
- File I/O Streams
- InputStream, OutputStream, FileInputStream, FileOutputStream
- Multithreading
- Creating Threads
- Extending Thread class
- Implementing Runnable interface
- Thread Lifecycle
- States and transitions
- Thread Priority and Scheduling
- Synchronization
- Synchronized Methods and Blocks
- Ensuring thread safety
- Locks and Concurrency
- ReentrantLock, ReadWriteLock
- Collection Framework
- List, Set, Map Interfaces
- Characteristics and implementations
- Common Implementations
- ArrayList, LinkedList, HashSet, TreeSet, HashMap, TreeMap
- Collections Utility Class
- Sorting and Searching
- Collections.sort(), Collections.binarySearch()
- Collections Methods
- shuffle(), reverse(), fill(), copy()
- Arrays Utility Class
- Array Manipulation Methods
- Arrays.sort(), Arrays.binarySearch(), Arrays.copyOf(), Arrays.fill()
- Comparable & Comparator Interfaces
- Natural Ordering vs Custom Ordering
- Implementing Comparable
- Creating Comparator instances
- Marker Interfaces
- Serializable, Cloneable, etc.
- Purpose and usage
Module 7: Design Patterns in Java
- Creational Design Patterns
- Singleton Design Pattern
- Implementation and use cases
- Factory Design Pattern
- Simple Factory, Factory Method, Abstract Factory
- Behavioral Design Patterns
- Observer Design Pattern
- Subject and Observer roles
- Implementation examples
- Structural Design Patterns
- Facade Design Pattern
- Simplifying complex subsystem interfaces
- J2EE Design Patterns
- Inversion of Control (IoC) Design Pattern
- Dependency Injection principles
- Model-View-Controller (MVC) Design Pattern
- Separating concerns in application architecture
Module 8: SOLID Principles
- Single Responsibility Principle
- Definition and Importance
- Examples and Best Practices
- Open-Closed Principle
- Definition and Importance
- Extending vs Modifying Code
- Liskov Substitution Principle
- Definition and Importance
- Ensuring Substitutability
- Interface Segregation Principle
- Definition and Importance
- Designing Focused Interfaces
- Dependency Inversion Principle
- Definition and Importance
- High-level vs Low-level Modules
Module 9: Java Database Connectivity (JDBC)
- Introduction to JDBC
- Overview and Architecture
- JDBC Drivers Types
- Connecting to Databases
- Establishing Connections
- DriverManager, DataSource
- Database URL Syntax
- Handling Connection Exceptions
- Executing Queries
- CRUD Operations
- Create, Read, Update, Delete using SQL
- Prepared Statements
- Preventing SQL injection
- Parameterized queries
- ResultSet Handling
- Navigating and retrieving data
Module 10: Java 8 Features
- Functional Interfaces
- Definition and Purpose
- Common Functional Interfaces
- Predicate, Function, Consumer, Supplier
- Lambda Expressions
- Syntax and Usage
- Benefits of Lambdas
- Using Lambdas with Collections
- Streams API
- Introduction to Streams
- Stream creation and operations
- Intermediate and Terminal Operations
- filter(), map(), collect(), etc.
- Parallel Streams
- Enhancing performance with parallelism
- Method & Constructor References
- Types of Method References
- Static, instance, and constructor references
- Usage Examples
- Simplifying lambda expressions
Module 11: MySQL
- Introduction and Software Installation
- DataTypes and Constraints
- Sql Commands DDL
- Aggregate Functions and Operators
- String Functions and Date Function
- Clauses
- Subquery
- Joins (left,right,inner,cross,self)
- Views and Index
- Functions (date,String,Numeric)
- Stored Procedure (if else,Switch case,Loops).
- Cursor
- Normalization and De-normalization
Module 12: Web Development Basics
- Introduction to HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
- Basics of HTML
- Structure, elements, attributes
- Semantic HTML
- Styling with CSS
- Selectors, properties, layouts
- Responsive design principles
- JavaScript Fundamentals
- Syntax, variables, functions
- DOM manipulation and event handling
Module 13: Java Server Pages (JSP) and Servlets
- Overview of JSP and Servlets
- Servlets
- Servlet lifecycle
- Handling HTTP requests and responses
- Java Server Pages (JSP)
- JSP syntax and directives
- JSP lifecycle and compilation
- Creating Dynamic Web Content
- Form Handling
- Processing form data with Servlets
- Session Management
- Cookies, HttpSession
- JSP Expression Language (EL)
- Simplifying data access in JSP
Module 14: Spring Framework
- Spring Core
- Inversion of Control (IoC)
- Dependency Injection (DI) concepts
- Bean lifecycle and scopes
- Spring Configuration
- XML-based configuration
- Annotation-based configuration
- Java-based configuration with @Configuration
- Spring MVC
- Model-View-Controller Architecture
- DispatcherServlet, Controllers, Views, Models
- Request Mapping and Handling
- @Controller, @RequestMapping, @GetMapping, @PostMapping
- View Resolvers
- Configuring JSP, Thymeleaf, etc.
- Form Handling and Validation
- Binding form data
- Using @Valid and validation annotations
- Spring Boot
- Introduction to Spring Boot
- Benefits and features
- Creating Spring Boot Applications
- Starter projects, auto-configuration
- Spring Boot Actuator
- Monitoring and management
- Spring Boot CLI
- Spring REST Service
- Building RESTful APIs
- @RestController, @RequestBody, @ResponseBody
- Handling HTTP Methods
- Content Negotiation
- JSON, XML support
- Exception Handling in REST APIs
- @ControllerAdvice, @ExceptionHandler
- Spring Data JPA
- Introduction to JPA
- Entity, Repository, Service layers
- Configuring Spring Data JPA
- Data sources, EntityManager
- CRUD Operations with Repositories
- JpaRepository, CrudRepository
- Query Methods and JPQL
- Derived queries, custom queries
- Spring Security
- Authentication and Authorization
- Configuring security in Spring applications
- Securing REST APIs
- Basic auth, form-based auth
- Method-Level Security
- @PreAuthorize, @Secured
- OAuth2 Integration
- JSON Web Tokens (JWT)
- Understanding JWT
- Structure and components
- Implementing JWT Authentication
- Generating and validating tokens
- Securing Endpoints with JWT
- Configuring Spring Security with JWT
Module 15: Microservices Architecture
- Introduction to Microservices
- Understanding Microservices
- Definition and characteristics
- Advantages over Monolithic Architectures
- Scalability, flexibility, resilience
- Key Characteristics and Challenges
- Service independence, inter-service communication, data consistency
- Microservices with Spring Cloud
- Spring Cloud Config Server
- Centralized configuration management
- Setting up and using Config Server
- Netflix Eureka Naming Server
- Service discovery and registration
- Configuring Eureka clients
- Spring Cloud Load Balancer
- Implementing client-side load balancing
- Ribbon vs Spring Cloud Load Balancer
- Spring Cloud Resilience
- Handling faults with Circuit Breakers
- Implementing Resilience4j
- API Gateway with Spring Cloud Gateway
- Routing requests
- Implementing cross-cutting concerns like security and logging
- Spring Security, JWT, and Role-Based Authentication
- Spring Security Basics
- Configuring authentication and authorization
- JWT Authentication
- Generating and validating tokens
- Securing REST endpoints with JWT
- Role-Based Access Control
- Defining and managing user roles and permissions
- Implementing role-based restrictions in controllers
- Tools and Practices for Microservices
- Testing
- Unit testing with JUnit
- Integration testing with Spring Boot Test
- Test-Driven Development (TDD) practices
- Logging
- Configuring and using Log4j or SLF4J
- Centralized logging solutions
- Version Control
- Using Git for source code management
- Integrating with GitLab for CI/CD pipelines
- Code Quality
- Utilizing SonarQube for code analysis
- Security
- Addressing cyber vulnerabilities
- Best practices for securing microservices
- Scheduling
- Implementing cron jobs for scheduled tasks
- Background processing with Spring Scheduler
- Cloud Deployment and Management
- Setting up and managing virtual servers
- Deploying microservices on EC2 instances
- Configuring and using managed relational databases
- Database scaling and backups
- AWS S3 Service
- Implementing scalable object storage for files and assets
- Integrating S3 with microservices
- AWS CI/CD Pipeline
- Setting up continuous integration and deployment pipelines
- Using AWS CodePipeline and CodeDeploy
Module 16: Testing in Java and Spring
- Unit Testing with JUnit
- Writing Test Cases
- Annotations, assertions
- Mocking with Mockito
- Creating mock objects, stubbing methods
- Integration Testing with Spring Boot Test
- Testing Spring Components
- Context loading, dependency injection in tests
- Testing REST APIs
- Using MockMvc
Module 17: DevOps and Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD)
- Introduction to DevOps
- DevOps Principles
- Collaboration, automation, continuous improvement
- Continuous Integration Tools
- Jenkins, GitLab CI/CD
- Setting up pipelines
- Automating builds and tests
Module 18: Real Time Project Work & deployment in Cloud.
Real Time Project Work & deployment in Cloud.
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